Citi Trends Job Positions

With a company the size of Citi Trends there are a lot job positions available. These Job Positions go from store level jobs all the way to upper management level jobs. To view the current job titles at Citi Trends you just need to visit company’s website. Then click on the opportunities tab at the top. This will open up a whole list of the current job positions available at Citi Trends. Below is a breakdown of the job categories with the company. From here you can discover the various job positions you can write in on your Citi Trends application.


The first job category of job positions at Citi Trends is manager. There is the store manager, 1st assistant store manager, 2nd assistant store manager, and manager in training. Also at the store level is the job title of store sales associate. This position is the lifeblood of the Citi Trends stores. They are the first contact with customers. This is a high ranking position so don’t seek out the Citi Trends application for this job unless you have the proper experience.


Another job position category is the accounting category. This includes accounts payable specialists, internal auditors, and operations analysts. These positions insure that the company and stores stay on a balanced budget and remain profitable.


Purchasing is a third category of job positions at Citi Trends. Here there is a buyer, associate buyer, assistant buyer, merchandise planner, merchandise assistant, and allocations. These job positions help insure that Citi Trends has the latest styles in stock to meet the demands of the fashion conscience consumer.


The next area of job positions at Citi Trends is related to distribution. These include distribution and quality control, distribution center packer, distribution center processor, distribution center materials handler, and distribution center supervisor. These job positions help make sure that all of the Citi Trends stores receive the inventory they need when they need it.


Another set of job positions at Citi Trends is the IT positions. This is very important in keeping all of the stores, distribution centers, and corporate offices fully connected and functioning as one unit. Job positions available in this category include network administrator, junior network administrator, telecommunications analysts, and the help desk. Now the help desk has job positions like help desk support and nighttime computer operator.


Finally there are the upper level district jobs at Citi Trends. These jobs include the district managers and executive assistants. They are the glue that holds all the pieces of the company together. They insure proper communication and function between the many different levels and phases of the business.


Now Citi Trends is not a huge company bay any means but even a company of this size does split itself up into quite a few job categories and positions. Each job position and job category at Citi Trends has its own unique set of standards that are set from the corporate level of operations. It should also be noted that not all regions where Citi Trends operates have the exact same job titles and positions. For the most part this is true but there are some additional specialist positions when are defined as needed for particular regions that Citi Trends operates. Consider all of the information above before filling out your Citi Trends application.

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